Monday, December 22, 2003

Sound & MIDI Software For Linux

I'm planning to start a sound project with friend of mine, but I didn't know how to do this in a Free way. So, that friend has sent me a message talking where we will find software and related stuff to implement that idea.

Take a look.
What's new in UML 2.0?

As part of my work in final project is to study this modeling language to validate a new modeling language, i shall read UML specification.

Somebody has written an article, and I shall read it.

Wednesday, November 12, 2003 Article: I.B.M. Helps Promote Linux

TODO: read.

Monday, November 3, 2003

Eclipse Innovation Grant (eIG)

Terceiro told me IBM announced the Eclipse Innovation Grant (eIG). It is a competition of projects that use the Eclipse open source code base for teaching and/or research, and that can add to the sharing of code and ideas among the community of Eclipse users.

My advisor and I will have to write a project unitl next Friday. We'll submit the aSide Tool, a tool that supports Aspect Oriented Modeling.
T++ at OOPSLA2003

My friend Antonio Terceiro has presented his work T++ : A Tool for Web Application Development with C++ in 18th Annual ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications at Anaheim, California.

He arrived today, and will post some photos at aSide's WebSite.

Thursday, October 16, 2003

Aspect Oriented Programming at ComputerWorld

Read it
My start page at work: - I'm learning lots of things by reading some articles everyday.

Sunday, October 12, 2003

I joined a research group on Refactoring with Aspects. I´m studying Aspect Oriented Software Development and choose this area to my final project at University.

More info about AOSD will be posted here as I learn more about it.
Genetic Programming

Today, I read an article at Scientific American Brasil about Genetic Programming and found it quite interesting. Some related URLs are:
I didn´t give up

I haven´t written anything here, but it doesn´t mean that I forgot this blog. Usually, I think of this blog, althought for some reason I feel hard to write in english.

Tuesday, September 9, 2003

Design Pattern Seminars

Last friday colleagues presented some DP from the GoF catalog. I couldn't go cause I hurt my right foot. I'll present "Façade" and "Chain of Responsibility", and intend to show examples in Python code.
New comment system.

Try =)

Monday, September 1, 2003

Boa Constructor is a cross platform Python IDE and wxPython GUI Builder. It offers visual frame creation and manipulation, an object inspector, many views on the source like object browsers, inheritance hierarchies, doc string generated html documentation, an advanced debugger and integrated help.
Zope support: Object creation and editing. Cut, copy, paste, import and export. Property creation and editing in the Inspector and Python Script debugging.
It is written in Python and uses the wxPython library which wraps wxWindows.

Watch the screenshots

TODO: use it =)

Friday, August 22, 2003

I'am trying a 'comment system', but that i installed (FalaSério) is offline. Any suggests please send to
I am reading "Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software", by the so called Gang of Four (GAMMA, E., HELM, R., JOHNSON, R., VLISSIDES); and will presentate some patterns on seminars at my University

Take a look at Huston Design Patterns and at Bruce Eckel's "Thinking in Patterns with Java"

Friday, July 25, 2003

A friend of mine made a MiniHowto about packaging software using Autoconf and Automake.

Autoconf and Automake are GNU tools that generates configuration scripts (./configure) and Makefile.

Take a look.

Tuesday, July 22, 2003

I'm quite surprised cause this blog service provides a Tableless (XHTML+CSS) publishing style.

I'll set this blog up soon and promote it at my e-mail sig.

For a while, read an article that explains why standarding Web content using XHTML+CSS is so good:

Monday, July 21, 2003

First quote. I´ve decide to write some technical stuff mainly because of two reasons: first, to take notes of what i´ve seen in my readings; second, i need to exercise writing in english =)