Monday, September 20, 2004

Adaptive Technology Technical Glossary

Some definitions and links about accessibility.

Another Drummachine

The LDRUM is an open-source drummachine that offers ten channels, realtime control, a simple pattern sequencer and a graphical user-interface. It currently runs under Linux only, it is developed in C++ and uses JACK, ALSA, Qt and LADSPA (it's a JAQL app;)

I did't like the 'qt' part, but when I try alsa I may get this sequencer working too.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Music production on Linux

I've been looking for a good program to make some music on my debian. Hydrogen just doesn't want to setup sound mixer.

A friend told me about a table of equivalents to help searching other programs and recommended me other two:

Ardour has debian packages (ardour-gtk), but also doesn't want to function.
I haven't tried rosegarden yet.

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Gmail Filesystem

GmailFS provides a mountable Linux filesystem which uses your Gmail account as its storage medium.

Try it.

Friday, August 27, 2004

Free Software Engineering

Paul Vixie has written a book about Software Engineering focused on Free Software Development.

Read it

Source: Portal Java

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Installing Eclipse and Lomboz

I´m having problems with Jboss-IDE (packaging configurator isn´t working well), and decided to try Lomboz plugin. Then, I´m having problems to install Lomboz.

I found 1 article and am reading it.

Friday, August 20, 2004

Aspect Oriented Programming in Python

I´ve heard of it in a mailing-list

Read the article.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

XML plugins for Eclipse

I'm looking for a good, GPL'ed (or CPL'ed) XML eclipse plugin.

First, I tried SolarEclipse, but didn't like it because it couldn't save a simple modified xml.

Then (after uninstall SolarEclipse), I tried X-men. It simply didn't show his face up to me :(

After, I decided to experiment black-sun and it's XML editor seems to be okay, althought somebody has written that its unstable.
JBOSS + Struts + Eclipse

I found this article when I found that plugin below may cause problems in future because it would expire after 1 month.

I'm using
  • jakarta-struts-1.1
  • jboss-3.2.5
  • jboss-ide-1.3.0
  • eclipse-3.0RC3
At Modify Project Properties in topic 5., i didn't find javax.servlet.jar at JBOSS_HOME. Instead, i've imported ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat_4.1.30/servlet.jar, and all went well.

When beggining to read page 4, the problems tab (or whatever it is called in eclipse3.0) is full of errors (precisely, 10 errors). After the XDoclet configuration and run, all errors are fixed.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Struts Editor for Eclipse

I found an interesting Struts editor for eclipse: myEclipse
I haven't read all documentation, but it seems to be pretty well. You must register to download and your registry expires in 30 days.

Thursday, July 29, 2004

cross-browser-wysiwyg-editor for Zope

A friend told me that exists an wysiwyg editor (epoz) for Zope and he was talking about porting it to be wysiwyg-editor for wikis.

View an example of epoz.

His idea is use WikiInterchangeFormat as the default generated language (epoz generates xhtml).

Saturday, July 10, 2004

Python development with Eclipse and Ant

Somebody has told me about pydev, which is a python development enviroment for Eclipse. There I found this article of IBM, explaining also how to use Ant with Python.

Friday, June 25, 2004

New Design

It was based on Concept Mark IV Design of Open Source Web Design website.

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Installing Debian Sarge

Today I installed Brazilian Portuguese's Debian CDD (Custom Debian Distribution) on my machine. It was fairly easier than installing gentoo. It just recognized all devices, and in a couple of hours it was installed.

Show of ball.

Friday, June 11, 2004

Installing Gentoo 1.4

As debian stable CD´s don´t want to work in my computer, I tried gentoo, but thought it too risky. I found this guide at google, and it is helping me a little.

Documenting C++ source

I was reading log4cxx documentation thinking of using it in my Computer Graphics exercises and the almost-javadoc-like appearance of docs took my attention.

I asked the documentation´s author and he talked me he used doxygen to generate it from sources. It seems to be pretty, generating class diagrams from header files.

Saturday, April 17, 2004

Open Source Software Development Research

UCI research in open source software development focuses on empirically-based studies of the processes, practices, and communities that develop open source software. Ethnographic and virtual enthnographic research methods are employed in the field studies of open source software development in communities that include those centered on Internet infrastructure, X-Ray astronomy and deep space imaging, networked computer games, and academic software design research.


Thursday, February 19, 2004

Using AspectJ in JDeveloper

I was browsing the otn page and found this blog post.

TODO: Take a look later.

Saturday, February 14, 2004

Join point model

I'm trying to understand the join point modeling in UML described by Stein and Hanenberg, but I can't, for some reason. Maybe is because I haven't read and programmed in AOP enough...

Thursday, January 15, 2004

ErrorLink Eclipse plugin

As the model transformation compiler's tutorial says: "provides some hyperlink during the compilation process so you can directly jump to the file/line where is the error."

Ah, the 2 regex are:

  • .* (.*\.mtl)()() .*

  • .* (.*\.mtl) line (\d+):(\d+): .*

I' m trying it now.

Colorer take5

I'm trying a model transformation compiler and it recommended me to install Colorer as a Eclipse plugin.

Colorer take5 is a syntax highlighting and text parsing library, that provides services of text parsing in host editor systems in real-time and transforming results into colored text. Result information allows to search and build outlined lists of functions, structures, and to search and indent programming language constructions (brackets, paired tags). Colorer uses pure C++, XML, it is fully portable and works on either win32/unix/mac platforms. Top level Java language API is also available.